Mind Your Fitness - Diet Planning & Sports Dieticians consultants in Mumbai

What is Covid 19 Rehabilitation?

Covid 19 rehabilitation

Countries across the globe are in various stages of the pandemic with many now entering the “day after” Covid 19 phase. Covid 19 is an inflammatory condition and “Long Covid” refers to the after effects that last even after negative testing. Physiotherapy is essential in all phases to facilitate early discharge and promote quick recovery. Rehabilitation is key […]

Exercise for Dialysis Patients

Sports Dieticians consultant

Most dialysis patients believe they cannot exercise. The truth is—most dialysis patients CAN and SHOULD exercise. Many renal patients describe regular exercise as the first activity that made them feel “normal” again after starting dialysis treatments.   Medical professionals working in renal rehabilitation have shown that a regular exercise program, however, limited, not only enhances a person’s potential […]

Heart Disease In Women

Weight loss packages India

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)  has traditionally been seen as a “man’s problem”.  CVD is the leading cause of death in women too, worldwide. The misconception that women are protected against CVD makes it’s management all the more challenging. There is a need of increasing awareness of the symptoms and risk factors pertaining to women’s heart health.  It is […]

What is Cardiac Rehabilitation?

Health and fitness plans

Cardiac rehabilitation is a branch of rehabilitation medicine or physical therapy dealing with optimizing physical function in patients with cardiac disease or recent cardiac surgeries. Cardiac Rehabilitation Team Cardiac rehab is provided in an outpatient clinic or in a hospital rehab centre. The cardiac rehab team includes: Who is it for? Risk analysis Before starting […]